About Us

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Portland, Oregon, United States
We are just your normal and average family. (Well as normal and as average as you can get when you are us.) Lantz is employed at an ivestment management firm and enjoys his job most days. I am a happy stay-at-home mom. I feel lucky everyday that I have the opportunity to remain at home and see our daughter grow and develop non-stop! I rarely miss a "first" and look forward to all of the new firsts to come. Sadie is a bright, energetic toddler that LOVES to cause mischief. She enjoys playing with Skittles and for the most part Skittles stoically tolerates her.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I was making a chocolate cake today for my mom's birthday. Sadie was being such an angel. She usually throws a fit if I am in the kitchen and she is blocked into the living room. But today I told her that I was going to go make a cake for Grandma and I needed her to play in the living room. She kept coming to check on me and would rattle the gate from time to time. But never a whine or cry. I was so proud of her! Once I got the cake into the oven we had about 45 minutes of play time together. About 5 minutes before it was done she told me that she wanted a "nack". So I took her in the kitchen and set her up with a handful of cheerios and milk. After her "nack" I put her back in the living room and got the cakes out of the oven. When I went back into the living room she started to cry and reach towards the kitchen. I asked her if she wanted her milk, she told me yeah, so we went in together to get her milk cup, which she ended up refusing and started to reach for the cake. Saying "Cawc-late, Cawc-late". When I told her that she could not have any chocolate cake she started to cry like it was the end of the world. I was so impressed that she was able to recognize a chocolate cake, that was just round brown cakes cooling on racks, and called it "cac-late". I was only able to calm her down after offering her some chocolate milk. (I give her Carnation Instant breakfast.) She started taking a liking to it when Grandma Cook shared her morning glass one day a few months ago. And when she was sick back in December she would not eat anything. But had no problem with beverages. So I started giving her Carnation Instant breakfast just so she was getting at least some nutrition. (After all, they do claim it has more protein than an egg.)

She is such a cutie!

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