We had a great time at the Coast for our Memorial Weekend. We headed out on Saturday morning and came home late Tuesday morning to avoid the traffic. We were able to rent a little house just a block away from the beach. We had lots of BBQs on the deck, and family breakfasts in the mornings. We played at the beach, visited the outlet mall, and wandered little trinket and souvineer shops. We were able to go out to a fancy place for Seafood, and hit Pig'n Pancake for breakfast on the morning we were heading home.
Sadie slept in a "big girl" bed for the first time. She absolutely went biserk when we tried to put her in her pack-n-play, so I just pushed the full bed that was in her room right up next to the wall and rolled some blankets up to put under the comforter to create a barrier on the other side. Not that I expected this to keep her in bed, she is just a mover and a shaker when she is sleeping and I wanted to make sure she knew she reached the end of the bed. She did tremedously well! I thought for certain it would be a nightmare keeping her in bed, especially at nap time, but she stayed in bed even in the morning and waited for someone to come and get her.
We hit the beach a few times and got Sadie her very own sand bucket and shovel to play with. She loved digging in the sand!! It was a little chillier that we expected and somehow, her jacket that I had grabbed before we left, did not make it into the car. So we bought her a new jacket at the Tanger Outlet Mall in Lincoln, City. It is two sizes too big, but I figured I would prefer it to fit this fall and perhaps even next fall. Roll up the sleeves one time and viola!
Hiking adventures....

We got a couple of cute shots of her at the trinket shops. One she is with a little "pirate boy" and a few of her piloting her very own ship!
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