Sadie finally got a real haircut! Not just a hack job done by her Mother. Her hair grows so fast! I have cut it 8 times since she was 6 months old. She used to let me put all sorts of hair do-dads in her hair and even allowed me to curl her hair. Well... she now has decided that she does not like her hair up. I will spend 15 minutes on it in the morning, turn around to put the comb away, turn back around and she has already removed the hair do-dad or she has pulled most of the hair out anyway. So I decided it was time to just cut her hair in a style that it did not have to be pulled back and still be out of her face. I think it turned out pretty cute! They took off almost 2" off the back! It was kinda sad to see it go, but I really do love the result!

Her hair cut is really cute. I love her curls in the back. She sounds like Abby. I cannot touch her hair. She will brush it and that is all. I cut her hair to a chin length a-line because of it.