Her favorite was the "Puffer" Birds! She was giggling, pointing and calling out "splash-splash" as she watched the birds play in the water. I think she could have stood there all day, if we would have let her.

She got to see Sea Lions, Otters, Starfish, Jelly Fish, Humuhumunukunuku Apua'a and other tropical fish, Tiger Fish, Eels, Turtles, Sting Rays and Sea Cucumbers as well. I am sure I missed something, but that is all I can remember for now. Plus we visited the Under-Sea Gardens with Sharks. She had a great time in the dark under the water. She even had to check the map to make sure we were still on track. :)
(I think she may have been trying to figure out how to get back to the Puffers!)
Upon leaving the Under-Sea Gardens, you exit into a small Gift Shop (convenient for the Aquarium) and Sadie found the stuffed animals, which she has taken a real shine too in the last month or so. Anyway, she proceeds to want to pick up everything and gently lay it on the ground... turtles, sharks, sting rays, jellyfish, etc... that is until she found the Puffer Bird. She picked him up and bolted for the door! She must really love those birds. Lucky for her, her Daddy is a push over and can very rarely say no to this little face...
In all fairnesss... Who could?? Really??

So she got to come home with her very own stuffed Puffer Bird.
I know that Lantz, Grandma Cook and I truly enjoyed watching Sadie at the Aquarium. She ran from one exhibit to the other with a huge grin on her face and laughing all the way. There were a few times she got over excited and would trip and fall in her rush to see the next thing. We can't wait to take her to the Oregon Zoo in a few weeks!
so cute! They know what they want dont they! I am glad she got to have a "Puffer Bird". : )