He has had a hard time turning 40. But we made it a nice weekend. His parents were able to fly up and join us for this special birthday. We rented a lovely home on the coast that was able to comfortably accommodate us and both of our parents. Sadie even slept in a "big-girl" bed. She will not sleep in a pack-n-play so we just let her sleep on the twin bed in a room near ours. It had beautiful views of the ocean and surrounding mountains.

We were able to spend 4 days and 3 nights. We enjoyed eating in, visiting the Tillamook Cheese Factory and Newport Bay Aquarium. (Pics of that to follow soon.)
We watched a little "Look Back" video of what was happening in 1969 on the night of his birthday after Sadie went to bed. He was spoiled and got home made ribs, fresh corn on the cob, and a chocolate cake with my special chocolate cream cheese frosting! He's lucky I like to spoil him! Unfortunately, the cake must have looked too good, since I forgot to take a picture. I remembered about the time we all finished our piece. :)
Sadie LOVED helping him open his presents! :) She is such a cutie! She has no idea what he is opening, but her little expressions says that it is exciting!
Happy Birthday Lantz! Hope you guys are doing well. Did you guys get a new house yet, or are you still staying with your parents?